— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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V. Roteberg "The Triumph of the Unconscious"

The congress was a celebration for all participants (except for the organizers). The exotic opportunity to come to such a congress brought together in one room people who do not often meet with each other. There were leaders of all, often hostile to each other, psychoanalytic schools and directions. Interesting reports exchanged and went into discussions, unfolding in the corridors and cafés.
Discussing all the most difficult problems of the unconscious created the feeling of breaking the blockade right in front of our eyes. And then Professor Ekaterina Shorohova, an orthodox and odious Marxist ideologue from psychology, felt that it was time to defend principles. She stood up on the bench during a round table gathering the leaders of all psychoanalytic schools, and began her speech as follows: “Psychology should deal with the relationship between man and man, man and society and other...sexual problems.”
Synchronous translation into 3 languages, a short pause for understanding – and an explosion of whisper and applause. Everyone was clear – the scientist lady wanted to say – “social problems.” She was calm, but it is the psychoanalysts who know that such reservations are of great importance – behind them are serious and unconscious personal problems. The hall celebrated and unstopped. Shorohova clearly confirmed what she was trying to fight against. The classic reservation has been included in dozens of foreign correspondences about Congress.

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