— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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At any job there must be a aunt (sometimes several) who are actively engaged in the farm on their own initiative: the flowers are bred and watered (sometimes unsuccessfully), instead of work they are sprayed, watering all around, including the technique, on remarks rotting. Quite often, they wipe out dust, and demonstratively, and immediately after the cleaner (a wet odoring cloth on the monitor, straight off as needed), unfreeze the refrigerator (although the cleaner has already done this) and drain it as if kilograms of dirt were poured on it. After which they cannot and do not want to work, they are tired, sit, drink tea and complain about fatigue and lack of assistants, trying to create a sense of guilt.
This is fucking you.
I have my own method of fighting with such inclination: I look at this labor landing and ask
You apparently have no work?
If it does not help. I say that there is a direct dependence that if a aunt cleans very carefully at work, then at home she has shit and sickle.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna