— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I stood cleaning the car from the snow, suddenly from behind, “Uncle, and Uncle!” I turn around - there are two boys of thirteen years old, one with a plastic blade, the other with some brushes, swabs.

I say, I have to. I thought to smoke, I asked, I was rushing to shoot cigarettes.

"A hundred rubles and we will clean your car in five minutes."

So why not? Clean it, I say. I stand watching. One with the speed of a crazy flea scattered the snow with a spade, the second axial fan scratches with brushes, then the glasses were scratched from the ice, the clusters were cut off from the ice and even the sprayers were cleaned!

I gave the guys two hundred rubles (they really cleaned the car perfectly) and I ask:

What if I didn’t pay?

“Well, we know where you park and we go here every morning. How little scratch can be formed.

Standing and cleverly licking, helmet, and I’m with him frankly roaring in the voice!))

As it turned out, they clean their cars every morning on the way to school and get from 600 to 3000 rubles in a couple of hours. They say, especially use their services "tits in jeeps", even regular customers are there.

Schoolchildren are making money in the crisis, Karl! Three thousand for Karl.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna