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News: Cops hit the house of a 10-year-old Muslim living in Lancashire because of an offensive mistake made in a school writing. In the UK, a student from a Muslim family was searched and questioned in connection with suspicion of ties to terrorists. According to the BBC News, the reason was a mistake a 10-year-old student made in writing about his family. The boy wrote that he lives in a “terrorist house” (terrorist house) and not in a “terraced house” (so-called typical houses in European cities).

The next day, security guards stormed the house where the student lives with his family. The boy's room was turned up and down, and the materials in his computer were also studied. According to the parents of the student, they are shocked by the incident and await apologies from the school and law enforcement officials. The boy’s family insists that the teacher knew about his problems with spelling, and therefore did not have the right to report to the police about the content of the work and to expose the child’s surroundings to unnecessary suspicions.

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