— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I study in Italy. My classmate recently told me how he and his friends were fairy lounging. In general, they have a friend, Nicholas is called, from a very wealthy family (a huge house with a palace, villas in Austria and southern Italy, 3 cars, etc.). And he has a girlfriend (a very wealthy family), they have been dating for just over a year. Everyone continued to convince him that the girl was with him only because of money. I bet on 50 euros. Immediately he went home to the girl, Nicholas put his phone in his pocket on the line so that the friends under the house could hear the whole dialogue. They told him to check it with this statement:

Nico: “This is the case. My father spoke to me recently and decided to take away all my inheritance rights so that I could earn my own money. In a month I will move to the universe. And I want to sell my car, I will save my own type. “Isn’t it a dog?”

The girl: “Are you joking? What are you, seriously? Fuck you finally! What a good father! I will personally thank him tonight. Not only is it that now you don’t have to ride these stupid pathos cars and wear shirts for 200 euros, so no one will think that I’m some kind of shit salesman.

So, now they collect this bourgeois 50 euros x)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna