— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Ballad about mandalas.

On the right side of the boat is a six-seat boat.
“Botzman, shake the mandala out of the glass!
The sea joke

What happens if you cross a mango with a light bulb?
You get rid of the rubber from the cowards, and there is Las Vegas!

I am writing these lines not from personal experience, as I was obsessed with the attention of these cute creatures. But from the acquaintances they drank sweets...

The 90s.

Sam was the most Jewish Jew in appearance I ever met. The red cuddle, the Semitic eyes of the habitat, the cuddle of the bearer, the thick ass, the walk-all in it spoke about belonging to the native genome. If the Paris Chamber of Measures and Weights had decided to set the benchmark for the Jew-Sem, he would have held this position without competition and forever.
Sam would also be indispensable in the cause of the propaganda of atheism in the world. One of his appearances in the desert could have caused a pogrom.
With wisdom, indeed, the Great Lord desired, creating this representative of his chosen people. Sam was not even a “thousandman” millionaire. In Semina, Adonai planted all the quotas of Semitic idiotism that he had. Not only did the Creator, in his delight, endow the Seeds with an overwhelming inclination and hysteria.
"There is a shit I am" wrote the protopop Avvakum about Sam.
With such a set of domestic hostility, it is understandable that Sam was often scratched. But yes, not very strong. Like a dog, you can’t wash it off. But here the satellites of this helmet got full.

We go somewhere with Sam on Patrick. With vodka. The damned lottery has forced this idiot into my satellites. I didn’t think I’d come, Sam was pulled out after me. For Semen has bought a fist, and the fox has been cuddling on it without ceasing. Fuck the death. The attack on him will stop. Just relaxed that shepherd’s wrath again. Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!! I will kill!! Where is this pitcher? Locked up in the toilet and pulled out. He pretends to be deaf. ELLE is discharged. And they sent me with an instigation to drown Fauna in the pond, if possible.
So, let’s go for vodka. Three brothers smoking in front of the restaurant. Right now, in the third nose, I hear that:
1st Brother in squadron.
2nd Brother on the squad and drunk hard.
Three Brother on the squad and drunk heavily, as they dropped theirs today.
4 is Brother on the squad and drunk heavily, as they dropped theirs today. by Same.
And in a radius of 50 meters from them, nothing living can feel safe.
I go, trying not to look at them. Because to turn and fall means to rise to the east. FFF seems to have passed...
The young man! The ears are cut by the swollen semen of voices. Yes, here are you! Why are you throwing the straw on the ground? It is Urna! Are you a pig?! to
My ears froze from horror.
Behind his back, all, Sam his scratch. Now my turn. I turn and immediately catch from three sides. I am blind for a moment. Within a second, I get knocked off my legs and start to mess my legs. No resistance to desire. They shoot.
“Atas, Menti!” The three get distracted, jump up and run to Sam. From the run, I managed to pierce him three times with a sting in the stomach until I was again struck. I was not able to get back to the resuscitation because I was rotting like horses. I would have tried to escape, I would have caught and stumbled. They took the form and left. One, with the remaining traces of humanity on his face, finally applauded his shoulder and gave to the memory of popular wisdom:
“Don’t even stand next to the pyjamas.”
I still follow that advice. I earned several times.

By the strange craving of nature, Sam had an alchemical affinity with lobes. Where did he find them, he could not understand. But it cost Sam to lose his innocence – and the mandala became his permanent pet.
I remember the beginning of this epic very well.
We sit with Smolyn, smoking gangbangs. The call. by Sema. Painful rubbing (the bluets have not yet gone)
and? What? It is not so, Sam. is scratching? Where? → Who was caught? Moving the feet?
Count the legs! Come on, I wait! Look at the lupus. Not in the lobby, but in the lobby. You can even go to the hallway. and whisper.
In the red, it is visible if it is contained, so as not to roast. Pressing the hand-
Sam is upset!
My condolences. The Mandalas.
Not the Morocco. And I will give him a bowl of water.
How much? and six? It’s a bad thing, Sam. They are poisonous. Do not be happy, you will not die.
Just the cock will dry out and all... not the rice. Why do you have to bear fruit? Call the doctors and call. They will immediately send you to the vendor. Two months in quarantine. How did you think? This is the most dangerous disease! It is virulent! The house is sealed. The dichlophos will flood. Mom, grandmother and dad will be beaten up and also in prison. They are everywhere, Sam. Yes is. Both above and below. The back too. And the feet. My grandmother’s feet too. Your poodle will fall asleep. And will burn. Don’t get hysterical, maybe they won’t fall asleep. Then he will have to be shaved. Yes to himself.
Do not whisk. I had to think before. What? Go go you naked. I will not open the door to you. Sit at home, the rat is humorous, do not spread the infection. to help? I can. No one’s home? First shave the pudel, don’t you want to burn the cash? Finish by calling.
Smiley puts the phone. We look at each other for a moment and fall forward. and hysterical.
An hour passes. The call calms. by Sema.
Have accepted? everywhere? very strongly? You need it. The pudel man. and Gigi. I respect. Revenge for insult. Give him a loose lap for me. Bind to Bind. Is there a bint? A lot? Well, you will still need it.
Smolin is great: in the voice is an unfailing anxiety and concern. I’t be able. Quietly in the corner.
“Yes, Sam, we need kerosene now. Heather knows where. I do not know. Maybe will go. Take the 95th, don’t bother. Liter of 10. Yes call me.

Again to tears. The celebration of the mind, the names of the heart.

An hour passes. We open the phone and the phone rings again. Sam who else.
Smolin gathers forces, and:
Have brought? The young man! Put gasoline in the tank. and UGU. Sam to remember. Dress up naked. Bind the bandage around the waist. Then you tie bandage strips to this belt every 10 centimeters. Like the baby belt with the bonds should work. for the socks. Length of 75 cm. I understood? Yes to record. You sit in a tank with gasoline. So that the stripes were in gasoline. Sitting for two hours. Don’t let Mr. Sam get out sooner. Then they will become incurable. Long to explain, the shorter the fuck you will be. Don’t fuck, the time is coming. Do not smoke, you will burn! So call back.

We roll on the floor. Sam made our day. I forgave him the beat.

The call.
The village? Time of Cut? And sit there. is boring? And you'll play in the dude and have fun.
And far away? Add to the basin. Think three meters. Everything, Sam, is not up to you. I call back.


But Smolin’t be himself if he didn’t make the master’s final smear.
She recruits Semina's mother.In school she worked. The phone of the teacher Smolin knew from childhood.
– Natalia Moiseevna, hello, this is Oleg. It’s not good with Sam. He called out of the house, how strange he was. He smoked, or he took something. Yes at home. No, I do not know. He is there about the fact that the pudel will break the oral and in the dude dude. Natalia Moiseevna, and I know? Ask him about it.

Crying of happiness. by Podonki.

As they learned later, the enthusiastic game on the duo Sam missed the arrival of his mother.
Natalia Moiseevna saw the fruit of her womb in all her glory. In the pelvis with gasoline, in the bonds and with the butt. She probably regretted that the abortion was too late.
I think the offspring teacher even had doubts about the correctness of her chosen professional path.
Sam was sent to a pay idiot. As he did not scream about the enemy's outcry, but the shaved voicing pudel overwhelmed.Well, and the fact that Sam categorically refused to get out of the pelvis until the hour "H".
Sam did not talk to me anymore.
Not to say we miss him so much.
We’re not the “Club of hand-loving confident idiots,” after all.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna