— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The story happened to my uncle back in those distant Soviet times when there was a iron curtain and foreigners, and especially blacks, were new to people from a provincial city in the center of the country.

The average Soviet family went to Moscow for the first time on an excursion. And here they walk on the Red Square, take pictures, enjoy the views. A tourist group from the African continent passes by here. The 5-year-old uncle at the time did not even see such patterns of evolution on television, which he was very interested in. He runs to one of the blacks and leads his finger on his skin. The shock! Why didn’t my finger color? A group of Africans laugh, the boy is confused. He remained in reflection and misunderstanding until his parents approached and explained that his uncle was from another country and that color of skin was the norm there.

The story is still remembered on family meetings with a smile!) This is the Soviet Union!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna