— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In our department of cardiology lies the wonderful old lady Maria Ivanovna, 93 years old, a war veteran, and in the past a physician-therapist. Surprisingly adequate and thoughtful grandmother. And it turned out on the eve of the discharge that Marivanna on Holter ECG recorded prolonged pauses, in general, we need to put a stimulator, which our arithmologists were ready to do (leaving home is just dangerous for life).

This was to the patient and his daughter. The daughter (also a doctor, all her life worked on ICE) was brought to the hospital with a firm intention to pick up the old lady. And with the words "you cured her, she hadn't had it before" she began to demand a detailed report on the treatment. In response to this behavior, Marianne simply said:

“I’m not going anywhere, and if you try to pick me up, I’ll call the police.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna