— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The guy came with a knife in the back, straight with a huge knife in the back. The lungs were cut, the blood poured into the pleural cavity, and there the air pressed the lungs and the heart. The pressure was zero. The brigade worked clearly, immediately into the operational, light ears. Replaced blood loss, pressure stabilized.

I disconnected the patient from IVLA, woke up, removed the tube from the trachea. At midnight, I forced him to breathe in a bowl through a pipe, so we sprinkled the lungs.

The funny incident happened on the first night, when the patient was still spending the first hours after the operation and the question of life was still acute. The reanimator only to two nights managed to sink, the doctor immediately failed to fall into a deep sleep.

Fifteen minutes later, the phone called:

Hello to the police, Sergeant Popkin.

Yes to resuscitation.

– I want to know about the condition of Vasekkin (pl...t, at three o’clock at night the police officer fell asleep...).

“Before, in a medication dream,” the doctor replied irritated and laid a telephone.

All in all, there is no sleep. Suffered, suffered, walked through the department, lay down, no sleep, all stable. The evil began at five o’clock in the morning. The doctor took a cell phone and called the police:

Allo the police?

The officer replied.

- This is from the resuscitation, you can let me sergeant Pupkin, I want to report on the patient.

Gave a puppet.

- Allo, - replied Popkin sleepily, apparently running out of the couch.

Sir Sergeant Popkin?


- I report on the condition of Vaschkin, he has everything unchanged, stable on the IFL.

“One, one,” laughed the sergeant, realizing the doctor’s spell. The doctor fell asleep and finally fell asleep.


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