— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Our family has a familiar married couple, Uncle Cole and Aunt Gal. One day we all had to go to the guests together, catering there with salad. Everyone started to eat except Uncle Cole, which naturally did not go unnoticed. As it turned out, the main obstacle was the absence of a piece of lemon in the plate. The hospitable hostess immediately jumped, quickly arranged a carefully cut lemon, a piece of which was beautifully laid in the plate. Uncle Cole said the following: "The first thing I do when I eat a salad, I pull out a lemon," - pulled out a lemon, and with an unwavering look began to eat. Judging by the expression of the face of aunt Galli, at home they were expected if not a scandal, then the bullying is certain.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna