— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Today I had a cognitive dissonance, which I will not forget soon, so that it will take a long time. I usually go to work by car, and here the circumstances are shorter in public transportation. Sitting at the end. To honor the drivers to say, they were driving quite comfortably, smoothly, but at the same time fast and almost without violations, with manoeuvres under the light NFS. After driving in this mode a couple of stops my pattern began to shake a little, when I noticed that driving this healthy extended torpedo on the road, with the proud name MAN, a girl of 20-23 years of age in appearance, quite gentle, the very focus - clearly can drive. Further, my cracked pattern broke into pieces and bloody scratches sprinkled, probably even the front glass - a full-fledged, with light, barely noticeable, good makeup, the young gay O_o planned to sleep in the bus when he stood at the stop, but after what happened he could not... Something changed a lot in this world...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna