— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The idea for the film in the genre of family drama: A young couple, consisting of a man and a woman, lives soul-to-soul, despite the small scandals and tricks that are inherent in any relationship. The only problem they have on their way is the infertility of the woman, and as a consequence, the inability to conceive the child they so desire. After they have tried the ruins of courses and methods of treatment, they decide to turn to traditional medicine. On the advice of one acquaintance, they go to a healing mountain lake, a dive in which heals, according to the stories, any ailments. After the woman completely submerged and got out of the water - the affairs of the family went on. After the birth of the child, even small scandals disappeared from their lives. A few years later, early in the morning, a man receives a message that as a result of the earthquake, the water from the lake has gone, and not his bottom found the body of his wife.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna