— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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He was called into the army (1962). Distributed to training for missile troops specialists. 3000 students in various specialties (I am a radiologist). Officer teaching staff. Daily lessons on theory and practice. Everything is normal, but there are also their "pleasures" in the form of sergeants, ensuring order, order, sports training, etc. Sergeants are a special people (although they did not hear about grandparents at the time). Get up in the morning! And while the lighthouse is burning, the students have to get up, dress up and get up! If you failed, repeat it! And so on... In order to maximum results, the sergeant could have extinguished the lighthouse earlier. This is a chronometer! The students were fierce, but humiliated. However, they finally decided to stop this case. While the lighthouse was burning, all 70 students went out, dressed on the march. The sergeant at this time stood in one of the passages between the two-storey beds and waited. The students appointed the healthiest (Ivan of Donbass) to the role of the exhibitionist. He was supposed to "inadvertently" push the sergeant out of the passage to the way of the flying students. Furthermore, 70 pairs of boots (there was something to recall) went through the tormentor's legs. The group was built on the street near the barracks - there is no sergeant! They stand, the system does not leave. Eventually, the sergeant was in the sanctuary. They didn’t kill, but it didn’t seem. The next day, the colonel (the head of the school) built all the students and long explained what to do and over-execute, but not to the same extent. All the other students of the school thanked us for the soldier’s cleverness. The officer took note. It continued to get better.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna