— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I recently sat with a girl in a cafe and we were about to leave, as a beggar approached us with the intention of pressing out a little money. I try not to do so, as I read a lot of stories about this kind of divorce, and I myself was a witness to how the paralyzed fell on the grace of God - he stood up and ran away, because the working day was over and his tram came.

The beggar realized that he would not like anything from us, switched to, forgive me for the rudeness, an African American sitting nearby. The African American decided to come too and began to speak in English that he did not understand him. And then there was an unexpected turn - a beggar in very good English began to rub him about his difficult, hungry and dangerous life.

My surprise was replaced by sadness and disappointment, as I realized that the beggar spoke English much better than I did.

P.S The Negro did not give him any money either.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna