— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I often observe how harmless children’s hobbies encounter incomprehensible opposition from parents.
My friend’s parents smashed and destroyed her drawings, in her absence took and sold the guitar: they said, you’re stupid instead of studying.
The parents of a colleague removed all the literature on programming, destroyed the compilers and program sources installed on the computer with truths and falsehoods. “He will go crazy!”
I have been interested in electronics since childhood. And if at first everything was fine, then one day I returned from school and found that everything was missing somewhere – the parts, the tools, the solder, the tester, and even the hard-to-use oscillograph brought from the other end of the country, which was given to me by a radio-amateur relative. Parents, as it turned out, were very afraid that I was spinning something wrong, and they would be planted.
I am in front of me, with two daughters. One complains to the other that his son reads too much; little more, she found his notebook, where he writes fantastic stories about other planets. Maybe I should take him to the doctor...
And then everyone complains: why are their grown-up children only interested in alcohol?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna