— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Once I worked in advertising and I had a wonderful girlfriend. She somehow, probably after school, needed to buy a bottle of good cognac as a gift to one "necessary and good" person.

She decided to consult with me what better to buy a cognac. As a gourmet, I recommended her a certain brand of good cognac and forgot about it. It took some time and she brought the bottle to the office and said that she should stay here until it was handed over.

Oh, only Krishna knows what a temptation it was for me. It was my favorite cognac and I was looking forward to it. One evening, I was overnight in the office again, well under the temperature, and I was so eager to continue looking at this bottle that had long been lying.

I could not stand it and opened it. I spent two wonderful hours with her. It was pleasant, beautiful and mutual. I thought it would take a couple of days and I would put the same bottle on the shelf and she would not notice anything. The next day, however, she looked into the water and called me and told me that she would come in and take the bottle to give it to a good man.

Hearing this, I rushed to the store to buy and put it in place. I went into the tape and there was no such brand. I crossed the road and went to Ashan and there was no one. I was very worried and in a hurry.

Daria had to come minute by minute. I drove on the way to Spar and there I found this craved bottle of this brand of cognac. I bought it and quickly took a taxi to the office and put it on the shelf.

She came in five minutes. I got the cognac out of the closet and gave it to me... it was cognac for me. I have never felt so sad and satisfied...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna