— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A friend told me. They got married to their third wife and in 2008 they had a twin. Well, the crisis in the courtyard, the salary was cut, it was necessary to save, including on the elderly, to explain to them... The elderly 11-12 years, loving to read and spending pockets on books, and now heavily limited in her hobby (and not only in this) for the above reasons, pulled from the younger a bunch of books thrown out by someone. She sits on the floor, enthusiastically sorting by foot - what she has, what her parents have, what to throw out - bounces something under her nose. A friend quietly looks from his back - wondering what the small overwhelmed. And here among the books is a colorful brochure of some Family Planning Center with the image on the cover of happy parents surrounded by almost a dozen carapuses and the inscription "Give birth to health!" Thin dies for a second, and then gives out loud with unimaginable intonation "Yes! The Happiness!” He hides the booklet under the carpet.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna