— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Not long ago a daughter was born. Well, we gave us a bunch of diapers for this. And this is in addition to what the reserve wife purchased before giving birth. In the mountain!
The kids are growing! And also it turns out to be soft, not very soft, and quite "fige some kind, not worthy of a little girl!"
My wife is sitting on the forums. Type "baby... something there". She signed up with the girl and "pared" her remnants of unworthy absorbing cowboys with a discount. But since the house itself is not a walk yet, and the cute works in the center of the city, took the initiative into her own hands, saying, "Dear, a dear other girl will come to you in the office, exchange the shit for money."
And here I (hereinafter I), on the phone of a colleague fortunately (hereinafter CPC), go down to the reception office.
In the eyes of the CPC I read the condemnation. I decided to raise the mood.
I: (pressing a bag of diapers to the chest and squeezing the eye) Money brought?
CPC: (catching the wave) Money with me.
I : Show me.
CPC: Show the goods first.
I: (I got one package from the package and looked around and demonstrated the "product")
CPC: (Taking the package in my hands, I smelled it, deeply engulfed) Fresh!
I: Where is the money?
CPC: (theft extending the five hundredth) This is all. You can not check.
I: (Hidden money in your pocket) It’s nice to have a deal with you.
KFC is good luck.
When they turned, they went in different directions.
Interesting thoughts of the girl at the reception.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna