— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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You do not understand
xxx: Animal cells almost instantly die after brain death. Plant cells live long enough: there would be water and light, and nutrients are accumulated there. When you take the cucumbers off the bed, they are alive. When you cut it, it is alive. When you chew him, he is alive. You are tormenting a poor plant. Comrade of Vegan. Now can you sleep peacefully knowing how you torment a living creature?

This is the essence of veganism. The fact is not that meat-eaters torture animals, but that they eat dead food (meat), and vegans are living (plants) and believe that it is more beneficial.
I don’t know how much the living food is better than the dead, but the fact that a normal person can’t do without meat is a fact.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna