— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Firefighter Misha, going to clean the façade part of the snow, asked the nakkara to allow it to do it on a tractor. Having obtained that, he took the business, but exaggerated and flew away together with the tractor into the cabin. Nakhar, having gathered the firefighters, came to Misha for revenue and, choking hard, tried to pull the tractor out of the roof. It was matured by Vitievato, which frightened Misha, who had to align the wheels. Misha aligned in the wrong direction and the tractor flew back into the cottage, now on its own roof. Misha was not injured, but became hated by all the guards. In the morning, wishing to rehabilitate in front of the guys, I quietly, Misha starts a tractor, goes out to clean the facade from the garage, flies on a brick and breaks his nose!!! Misha even used a tractor.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna