— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 19 - ]
Kesha is there.
Alexis is not at home now. She went with her sister to their brother in Moscow again, tomorrow will come.
Ksuzha in Moscow?? to
Alex: I can drive it off, because there is 200 euros for a ticket, Seroga (brother) and feeds and drinks. Oh, and then 200 for a ticket, 200 with you, you won't buy such pieces right away, plus 150 for gifts. I mean, because we are both students.
Both of them (Beata)
Alex: on Friday they left, tomorrow they arrive, a month to live the cock knows how
Yes, and what does she do there?
Alex: and he lives there near Moscow in a cottage, they are like we will go to a store there, we will take everything with us. And here three girls fly to Moscow from Munich, each with 30 kg of food. Stupid food and stupid food!! Cucumbers and tomatoes, I’m not joking. Even a bunch, a fox, a crap took, I was worried about it separately, how it will fly)))
Alex: Brother of their cousin's birthday, 52 years old

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna