— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I went from work to a supermarket. I bought beer, fish, I stood in a line, and in front of me a man with a full cart of products cheerfully loads everything to the conveyor. And then I begin to feel some choking from behind, I turn around, there is a grandmother, a little, bready, saying, “Son, let go!” Well go, grandmother, we are balanced people – we will miss. She approaches the man and asks if he has a supermarket card. After receiving a negative answer, he gives his own with the words: "Son, help me, I buy these bonuses yours!" Well, the man took her card, the cashier scanned, he calculated and left... But the grandmother did not leave! I decided to watch her. She approached mostly people with large sums of shopping and offered her card, allegedly spending bonuses! And all the salt in the fact that I also have a card of this supermarket and I know that the essence of the bonus program is 5% of the amount of purchase on your account, as real money, can be calculated by them for any goods, except tobacco and alcohol. This is a grandmother!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna