— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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You can be trained to deceive the body as if it had a medicine:

Quantuz: Drink vodka with strawberry syrup. And then just a strawberry syrup.
ivansychev: That is, vodka to train immunity?
Kotyara12: Apparently, it was meant that the body will begin to react to the syrup in the same way as vodka. That is, as if it were “poddamshi”, but without harm to the body :-)
ivansychev: And is it harmless if the processes are similar?
Kotyara12: I agree, there is a possibility that the body itself will begin to produce alcohol in sufficient amounts to be intoxicated. After all, in small doses, as far as I remember, he “knows” how to do it.
Karma555: In extreme situations, the body is able to produce everything. Even the vitamins.
FireSparrow: I’ve read that one person was so upset at the airport inspection that from stress his body produced two pounds of heroin in cellophan in his stomach.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna