— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Black and white men enter the bakery. The black man immediately steals 3 small pancakes and puts them in his pocket.
And he says to the white:
"Look how cool I am, I worked so well that the owner didn't even notice anything!
“It’s typical for you,” replied the white man, “I’ll show you an honest way to do the same.
He goes to the bakery owner and says:
Give me a cake and I’ll show you the magic.
The intrigued owner gives him a cake, he eats it and immediately asks for the next one, the owner gives him another one, and he eats it again and asks for the next one, and the third cake goes to the same place.
The owner asks:
What was the magic you did with the pancakes?
And the white answered:
Look in the pocket of the black guy.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna