— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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(On the victory of feminism)
Canada is a kindergarten compared to the states.
At work, a man was expelled - he gave all employees a flower on Valentine's Day.
And we work in our office about forty people, for a reference. For two days, they could not find a reason for dismissal. He did not stick to anyone personally, but just ran around with a wheelchair and distributed flowers during the lunch break.
Finally, they found: the man had to get permission to use the cart, because the cart - (then!) Office equipment of increased danger.
But the problem is not that they fired the man, but that he is under 60 years old, and he gave flowers for Valentine regularly for 20 years. Just last year in the department in the leadership came young feminist nominations, who started with the fact that all employees passed the three-day mandatory (under painting!) training in sexual harassment, diversity, and equal opportunity. And that work stood up, they wept. The dismissed man, by the way, was the best seller; he just crossed the road to the competitors; well, and of course, the sweetest customers went away.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna