— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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When I was in second grade, a bald uncle came to us and began to tell us, “In ten years there will be communism. There will be a lot of products, clothes and toys in the shops. It will be free, there will be no money at all. You can go to the store and get your own sausages or cheese for dinner as much as you need. If you want bananas, take bananas, if you want ananas, take ananas.

And so on in the same spirit. He told with a fire and radiated kindness, like grandfather Lenin. Everyone listened and opened their mouths. I dreamed of a bicycle. But yet I felt like I was somewhere in the dust... And then, many years later, I realized that in something my uncle was right. I really have no money.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna