— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I was 21 and I decided I could do it all by myself. has studied. She moved to school, went to work and rented a house. I am a book "alcoholic", I don't like clubs, bars, so in principle there was enough money for food and some things (but this is if you live one). And here was a month that my employer paid me only half, I don’t remember how he explained it, it was a long time ago.

I have friends, like all normal people. There are not many of them, and mostly they are childhood friends who loved to go to me for tea, coffee and just talk. I remember it was February 13, all of my lonely friends and friends all day “nyly” that this is like a holiday, and the mood is not the same. Yes, I’m “Nila” on another topic. I complained to everyone about my boss (we all complain to bosses from time to time). Supporting me that my such and so-called- separated.

The next day. “Love Day” calls my friend and says he’s coming. I told him that either today or tonight, I would go to work. I didn’t have time to put the phone on, like a bell on the door.

“Happy Valentine’s Day!” and put me a bag of potatoes in the hallway.

You know, in my position, it was the best Valentine in my whole life. Not what kind of flowers there, candy – and food fucking knows how much.

He is now my husband. We remember this story – we laugh. He is sure he fascinated me with the potatoes. He is right in something. He fascinated me with care.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna