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Dutch Investigator

My old friend, former KGB-Bashnik Yuri Tarasovich, has lived in the country in recent years. His daughter Oksana considers herself very smart and independent, and therefore never asks her father for advice or help. With stubbornness she went to her father, and with mind... to herself, probably:
“Dad, what can you advise me if you don’t even have a camera in your phone?”

Last spring, Oksana suffered a serious accident.
She drove on the “green” and struck the embassy car filled with a bunch of Negroes in the “boch”.
Both cars are under record, the blacks are also broken, but all are alive, well though she herself remained unharmed.
The trouble was another: the broken blacks shouted in one voice that they were riding the “green”. There were no video recorders. Word against word.
In addition, the Negro had a very valuable witness – a police officer, among other things. On his day off, he was sitting on the street at a plastic table near a cafe, drinking coffee and watching the crossroads like a palm.
So, he vowingly claimed that the blacks were driving on the “green” and Oksana on the “red”.
Millions of claims for damages to Negro’s health have been blurred, not to mention deprivation of rights.
Yuri Tarasych wanted to take this trouble on himself, conduct his own investigation and figure out what to do, but Oksana cut off:

Don’t get involved, you’re under pressure. Sit down and watch football. I will do it myself.
You may have been a good detective, but when did that happen? Forty years ago, in another country. Now it is different! A very different life where you’re just a small child!
All, don’t shake me, daddy, the head and so bad.

Oksana, an experienced lawyer, knocked his wings, knelt the grain, and refused, say, a losing case, against us a whole, not the smallest African country, plus a Moscow police officer.
Then the lawyer appeared more expensive, the result from him was roughly the same, only he glued much more grain before leaving.
The court was approaching, Oksana was crying all the time and Tarasychu, finally managed to find out some details of the case from the daughter.
What was the general surprise and confusion when the chief witness, the senior lieutenant of the police, stood up in court and said:

- Your honor, this citizen was driving on the lighting signal, but these black comrades on "Volvo" broke on the "red", from which they suffered, and that I showed the opposite in the preliminary investigation, so I did not understand the question of the investigator.

The judge knocked a hammer and ruled in favor of Oksana. The insurance company fully paid for the killed car and even the embassy of the African country expressed its regrets to Oksana.
Yuri Tarasovich congratulated, praised the daughter and asked:

Why did the witness change his testimony?
Did the hell know him? Per his conscience got stuck, or maybe he saw my determination, was frightened and realized that I would not leave this way, I will go to the end.
Maybe maybe maybe...

And only to me Tarasych secretly told "where the legs grow"
The day before the trial, he carried out his small country investigation and spent exactly 20 minutes on it. There were only three calls.
At the first call, he found out that the witness was not just a Moscow mint, but by “pure coincidence,” a mint that protects the embassy itself.
By the second call, Yuri Tarasych learned that on the day of the accident, from the very morning, the rain froze and the cafe did not exhibit tables on the street at all.
And with the third call Tarasych disturbed the mint himself and told him about the content of the two previous...

I persuade Tarasych to tell Oksana everything, but the old man refuses: "She is so independent and proud of me, she will be offended..."

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