— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Re:...the beast, having stood on the sinful land one and a half meters from me, directed me with a straight look from above down, turned to a friend and said loudly, shaking his eyes: "Kaaaaak, but I am beaten by gyruchi!" She passed by, slightly pushing my shoulder.
Attention, the question: what kind of behavior did I provoke this?

One fact of its existence – obviously! and ;-)

And if you are serious, then do not take such people and ugly situations close to your heart. Just imagine what a black woman should be in this girl's shower! Harmonious and happy people do not suffer from such deviations, as they are busy with their own development and building their lives. It is clear that this dark diva does not shine with either intelligence (weight problems can be a consequence of illness) or humanity (zero empathy, behavior at the level of "I should all", "who is not like me - has no right to be", etc.) I suspect that this person is willing to humiliate and humiliate everyone in a row, except for those with whom communication is beneficial. Self-affirming at the expense of others is a banal, but common strategy.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna