— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Our boys immediately sat down and the hops had already begun to push. Suddenly, Dima flees out of the store, with wild eyes, one hand cut off immediately, the second leg into the jaw, the third himself escaped. We are all in shock, and he is smiling. Kickboxing has been his hobby for seven years.
I’m for what, girls, kill me, right?
I do not believe. There are no experienced fighters with animal eyes. This is an anecdote:
A soldier with an experience is asked: you are attacked by a hooligan, he wants to hit you on the eggs, what will you do? The fighter replies - I break his hand, let him suffer.
The master asks, the master answers, I will give him eggs, so that the next time it will be unimportant.
The guru asks, the guru answers – to the tension of the egg – let him break his leg.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna