— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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“When a man dies, his neighbors know how many children he has.”
(From the people)

The courtyard of this small house has never seen so many people, people gathered as on a very wealthy wedding - this grandmother Araksia - the oldest resident of the village, lived to her hundredth birthday.
Grandchildren, grandchildren, grandchildren, neighbors, from yesterday the mountains of salads and furnished tables and barracks. The people came from all over Armenia, even Paris and Los Angeles did not stay aside, separating a couple of families.
Despite the fact that the name was born before the revolution, she still completely preserved the strength of the spirit and the clarity of the thought, even with her simple economy copes. After her husband’s death, she lives alone and does not want to go to town. Friends-neighbors help, grandchildren with raids appear, and lives, does not complain.
The woman was poured wine into a small pre-war drink and asked to say the first toast. Everyone was silent.
Grandma Araksia stood up, coughed to encourage herself and began:

“Dear friends, I’m very happy that you didn’t forget your old grandmother, postpone your business and come to me for my birthday. I am very, very pleased.
I saw all of them with my own eyes, not just in the pictures. It is no pity to die now.
Quiet, quiet, I’m not going to die, don’t think.
But the first toast, you all apologize to me, I want to say for the health of our ambulance doctor, Avanes Gurgenovich, who twenty years ago did not let me die when I was very ill. from that light. Almost every day he came here through our pitches, cared for me – my old grandmother, it is a pity that he is not at this table today. Without him, I would not have been there for a long time.
They say that he has long lived in Yerevan, I hope that there he became the most important city doctor, God give him health, I will always put a candle for him in the church. What a good doctor, kind, attentive, here many should remember him.
At the tables, they stumbled in confirmation of grandmother’s words. She said something more about the unforgettable Avanes Gurgenovich, and at this time, a few people sitting at the most distant table, playfully blinked at the gray postman Levon.
Once a long time ago, on the "Rebuild" flight, the whole of Armenia was plunged into darkness, automatic shooting and wild poverty.
To call an ambulance, you had to pay and pay not only money, but the most expensive that was at the time - a gasoline canister. Without this, doctors would not go to the challenge at all.
Here, as unfortunate, grandmother Araksia became seriously ill, and in the whole village no drop of gasoline.
There was nothing to do, the neighbors advised, chose Levon as the highest and most representative. Someone gave him his wife's glasses and white coat, someone "hearing" from the doctor's children's kit, and the face was covered with a gasoline bandage so that the sick woman did not recognize the postman.
So in the house of grandmother Araksia and appeared the ambulance doctor Avanes Gurgenovich, with a drawer from under the screwdriver in his hands.
He listened to the patient with a toy stethoscope, understood the whisper, gave advice and prescribed medicines that were found in the pharmacies of neighbors.

Levon held a drink, listened attentively to the long toast of the name, smiled and unnoticedly wiped out his eyes.

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