— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My cousin (13 years old) hosted me and stumbled on every computer crap in my closet. Learned a lot of new things: about the screws for 8 gigs, that there were previously flashes small in volume, discs and bits (he did not know about them, I was in shock). You would see his eyes. But I finally got it:
This is an older paper flash.
I pull the perforated card. He looked at her, at me, and then again three times. He sat there all night and did not ask any more questions. Either you didn’t believe me, or I just broke it.)
His mother calls later:
Why do you shake my son’s head? He came with some card, says the flash.
Well yes, it is so! Flash from the 19th century!
I don’t have to shake my head and stop mocking my brother. So far!
He drops the phone. I am in Ah!

Oh these fogs...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna