— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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On the first day of menstruation, I have severe pain. I can’t move, I hold back on people, but alone I can wildly sweep on a failed step. No, doctors will not cure it, after 6 years of treatment, I agreed that this is a personal biological feature, which nothing helps. All other days I am working, attentive, and so on. But one day a month at work I feel tortured, I can make mistakes, not answer questions because of the cutting pain.
None of the three former employers agreed to give me a day off a month. Not at the expense of my salary, nor at the expense of my leave. But one perfectly gave off the men on important raids, since he was a gamer. The second could calmly with the men's staff go to the bar earlier. The third almost gave no one a break, but to the dentist for a day calmly let go, and because of the pain worse tooth orals on me that I just want to cool down at home.

I read the shit and want to go into the world of pink pony, where women have favor at work. But most likely these indulgences are more rare than "you are a man, you have children to feed, we will raise your salary."

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