— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Fucking about smoking.
A narrow sidewalk, where three people can hardly get apart (was wide, but part pulled the supermarket under the parking lot). It is the road to the mentioned supermarket, and to two schools, and to the kindergarten. On the sidewalk, a single-legged disabled man placed with a mercantile purpose, asking for "bread". Everything would be nothing, but at the same time he smokes thickly with a cigarette stuck in his teeth, passing through the smoke curtain. After addressing me, I explode in the spirit that I am not going to give him money to harass others. In response, I quote:"I poch@i on others" and my logical question: "And what help can they then count on?" I noticed that after such a dialogue many removed pre-prepared wallets. This is somehow...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna