— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I went to lunch today. I didn’t really want to, I think I’ll go into the tent next to work and buy a couple of cakes for tea. While standing on the lighthouse, I noticed 3 children aged 12-13 on the other side of the street who laughed a lot at something. While crossing the road he noticed one of them stops, throws something and runs to his friends. As I later understood, he threw the money of the bank of the robbers and robbed from the people picking them up. Even though today and Monday were a tough day, my mood was great and I decided to laugh too. Waiting for them to throw their counterfeit again (I thought 1000 would throw at first, in fact it was 5000, but I was ready for it), I approached and picked up the money. I watched the kids have fun, deceived another fool. I went to the tent that was closer to them, stood up with my back to the children so they didn’t see what I was paying, bought a bank of Pepsi (why Pepsi, cakes he wanted), pulled out of my pocket 4000 rubles and when I left the tent, he waved that money in front of them. Ele refrained not to laugh, but made the face of the winner in life and moved away. Their faces were the best reward for my efforts.

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