— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Taxi drivers are real taxis.
I was delayed with the client. After half an hour of meeting with another client, and I am in such a dust where the bus runs once a century and then if the parade of the planets will be...
Well, I call the boss, anyway, I can’t get there.
Headquarters: catch a taxi, even if not on the way, pay any money, the customer is wealthy, we give him these expenses in the estimate, let's say that the equipment is a little more expensive.

It is easy to say catch... in the middle of the day in the country village... everyone has either already left or is already resting. And here it goes, honestly in cars full zero, but if the car is big, beautiful, and all shines like just from the washing machine - then obviously behind the wheel also obviously did not bomb.
There is nothing to do, I run almost under the wheels, the boss, the time is pushing, it is very necessary to the metro of клужская. And already a thousand, as if hinting that this thousand to him (although there is a maximum of 400 rubles), can agree.
They looked at me first as an idiot, and then pretended something - sit down, I'm still on the way.
I sat down, I sat down like a mouse, stuck in the corner of the seat, generally depicting a bag of foods...
I came, I stretched out money for him, he flattered, and I was on the way.
I’m not sorry, I’m late for an important meeting. The customer will compensate me for this thousand afterwards, we will write him in the estimate of transportation costs :-).
I put it on the instrument panel and run out of the car. I ran to the passing object, so and so - I have to wait here.
And here’s the voice behind – miss it, it’s for me.
As you may have guessed, the man who drove me...
I barely swallowed my tongue and the most I could give out – hello... again.
We passed the passageway, climbed to the 2nd floor and in front of his office he stopped and extended my thousand.
? to? to
Take it, I am pleased that you are not sorry for any of our money, but to reconcile the estimate to me is lazy)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna