— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Serving in the SA, in the "beautiful far away" from the home, and the entire USSR as a whole, the fried potatoes were considered the most delicate delicacies. But available in the dining room, which only experienced army chef with more than 20 years of experience could distinguish from stearin candle, both in appearance and organoleptic properties, decisively spoiled the whole picture.
The soldier's cleverness quickly found a way out - and now more than one generation of soldiers began to roast potatoes on aviation oil by CIATIM. From the hydraulics of our terrible fighters. Unlike the mentioned mixer, this product had neither taste nor smell. And since the letter I in the abbreviation means "inert", the body before it was somehow purple. It didn’t hurt in the heat.)
But what is strange is that from the "flying" alcohol from the same fighter there was always a rush with petroleum, and not from CIATIMA.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna