— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In many other significantly more successful countries, there are:
1) Free medical services
2) free of charge
3) State kindergartens
4) The Mat. capitalist
Decrees for 1.5 to 3 years
Yes, the poor
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We also have nothing for free. Everything that is included in the SSC. The benefits are paid from our taxes. And given the quality of this "free", it is not known where these taxes go. And free VR has recently been introduced in all more or less decent countries, including for foreigners.
And against the backdrop of the oppressive attitude of the state to society, a three-year decree is, of course, a great thing. Would there be decent white wages EVERYWHERE, the absence or at least the reduction to a minimum of corruption, real social security, including decent schools and kindergartens, where simple mortals can get at the place of residence and without holding out huge queues, normal medicine that you can rely on, and where the nearest registration to the specialist is not in a month - who would need it, this three-year decree, and cash payments at the same time? Maternity capital, a big deal, yes. Given the rapid devaluation of the ruble, this mat. capital is just a way to shut the mouth of people. Normal, free citizens need opportunities and a sense of social security, not a bunch of money.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna