— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The fact is that any new C++ chips must pass through a committee of three fanatics.

The first fan loves exceptions. Thro the assembly, this screaming old man seems to be asleep, but at the most uncomfortable moment he jumps up and interrupts the speaker with the scream "and here we throw the exception!" This old man few people like, but everyone is forced to tolerate him.

The second fan loves patterns. He gently turns any fit into patterns, which he wraps into patterns, which he wraps into patterns... until it breaks again. In his free time, he tries to write a program to calculate the meaning of life and in general at the compilation stage.

The third fanatic, the youngest, loves everything parallel. Unlike others, he doesn’t criticize immediately. He enthusiastically grabs the proposed fitch, immediately translates it into parallel, convinces himself that everything is breaking and with a breath “in our age of parallel programming it is not possible to do so” sends the fitch into the basket. It is said that he has a lot of personalities that a friend often interrupts a friend.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna