— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I work in a car service. A car runs down - a ruin, a woman with a son aged 5 - 6. Next to the stand there are several chairs so to say for the staff, while I hanged the sensors on the wheels, aunt and child sat on these same chairs, waiting. In principle, we are not forbidden to be in the working area, although it is undesirable, but we are not talking about it. Here the momma (and this is the most affectionate as you can call this individual of the female sex) went to the box office to calculate, the boy remained. Naturally, the process became interesting for the guy, he approached the stand and asked, "Can I look?" Without a reason to refuse, I agreed. He quietly stood up and looked at the multi-colored figures on the monitor with immeasurable interest)) did not run, did not noise, did not interfere, just silently stood and looked. By the way, literally two meters from the chair he was sitting on. Here his mother returned... Just a thunder-like, literally filled with rage shout forced me to tear the keys out of my hands – “I told you what shit?!?! Sit and sit!! Do you have to repeat it 10 times, fool? And not acid so stiffened to the little backbone. To say that I was upset means not to say anything... Once again I got the gift of speech, I said, “Well, you, he doesn’t bother, it’s calm.” I got a short answer, “It’s not your business at all!!! (I used to say “you”) turn your hooks and don’t lie down!!!” The boy at this time was already sitting on the chair, not crying, although I would probably have been different in his place, not from pain but from resentment. Finished the car, Mommy in the meantime went back to the store again - why. I approached the child, in my pocket there were a few slides, I give him, I say, "don't worry, maybe my mom is in a bad mood, don't be upset." And he, you know, so raised my eyes, I got up in my throat, how much sadness there was and what fatigue there was. And how calmly, even as an adult, “yes always so, I’ve used to it.” Mom came and they sat in the car and left. I smoked for a long time and wondered where these fucking people came from.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna