— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Command and Staff exercises. The work boils, the sweat flows. My good companion, the chief encryptor of the Naval Intelligence, is calling the subordinate unit.

and allo! Captain of First Range N. Prepare to take a torpedo, 10 groups, to the Northern Fleet intelligence.

Okay well.

From such a telephone familiarity, tired of teaching, my comrade became angry.

What is OK? With whom am I talking? Who received the information?

At the end of the wire there was silence, then no less tired voice.


What is Kravchenko? Kravchenko has accepted. Position and title! I have so much salt that I can salt! Title and Position!!! to

Silence and a clear answer.

The information was received by the head of the Chief of Staff of the Russian Navy, Vice Admiral Kravchenko.

“Sorry, Comrade Vice Admiral, the number was wrong.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna