— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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We have something like a dacha – a house in the suburbs that belonged to a grandfather. After his death the house was divided between his four children (my grandfather and his brothers and sisters). All heirs already have children, grandchildren, and some - grandchildren, so there are constantly some people, whom you remember in the face and by name, and who they are, you have to know and not understand. I personally was there yesterday for the first time in probably a couple of years - my mother brought.

In the middle of the day. The grandmother's brother's mother (son, granddaughter, two grandchildren and someone else) is preparing for lunch. One thing I can't find out, I whisper to my mom - said, and the young man in glasses and blue shirt - is who? I get the answer:

– It’s a young man... or a catin... In general, don’t rush to remember, suddenly it’s not a relative yet!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna