— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I put a wifi network in my apartment. The apartment is spacious, rooms to fig, eight family members, two desktops, four notebooks and two underbooks. For complete happiness, all mobile phones know and love wifi. I installed the router, taught it to the internet, explained what it was for, and left. To say goodbye, I was asked:

How is it without wires?

The radio signal, like your cell phones, is only a little different.

Unfortunately, I did not see the fear in the eyes of my father.

Two days later, they call with the typical: “Nothing works, there is no network.” I come. All computers really see any network, but not home. I’m looking for the router... Yes, you guessed, it was where I left it, only wrapped in foil and covered with unknown where it came from, the sprinkled shit from the X-ray cabinet arsenal.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna