— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The site is still with a hint of humor, so I will continue to crack up with anecdotes:

There are seven dwarfs sitting in the church and discussing something all the time. Finally, a gnomicus asks the priest:
– Holy Father, do you have any monks in your church?
No no no no.
The gnomes are discussing something even louder. interfering with the priest. Gnomicus asks again:
Are there monks in other churches in our city?
and no. Stop the noise there and listen to the sermon.
The gnomes make even more noise. The same gnome asks again:
Are there any monks in any church in the country?
The exiled priest says:
and no. There are no monks-lipputs at all. Finally, stay away from me and do not interfere with the service.
The gnomic who asked, with a sad sight, goes to the exit, and all the other gnomes march after him, friendly scandering: THE PINGVIN TRACKED, THE PINGVIN TRACKED, THE PINGVIN TRACKED!!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna