— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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At a celebration, or just so, I don’t remember, I gave a ladder to the bat. All such a luminous, moving four sections. Shortly to the neighbor on the second floor - as a nephug to do.

What else to give? No need, it already exists. In general, in recent years, the gifts have a distinct character, such as a tail with a long pen, again a staircase, then a set of tools, then a shelf under them. The direction is understandable.

So I find the stairs. It was irreplaceable and very popular in our family. Everyone has used the stairs at least a few times. Except for bat. He does not like air acrobatics. Per from over 110 kg weight, maybe for another reason. But he does not love.

Then I had to go to the roof. I don’t remember why, whether to destroy Carlson’s nest, or to hide from whom, I don’t remember. Was there a staircase somewhere? What damn did she take? Looking back, I noticed a slope near the sarai, and in a decomposed state. Going across the whole village to the one who used it and did not fold, I picked up the luminous structure and wrapped it to the roof of the house.

It was summer, the sun was shining, I was singing something crazy and doing something on the roof of the house. Then I went to lunch. Then I went to the store. It was dark and everyone was invited to dinner.

Where is Father? My mom asked, I haven’t seen him for a long time.

I, who was not yet aware of the letter, naively that I hadn’t seen him since morning either.

An alarming silence. A survey of the households revealed that no one had seen Batty since morning.

Maybe he was visiting? - already in the sight of the singer expressed an Achineistic assumption.

No – his mother turned her head – he was going to inspect the roof and...

In front of a dim sight, the staircase adjacent to the barracks floated, the door of the loft opened... Ye@, I whispered and crashed into the street.

and ah. Battya, as is the case with a man who slept or a staircase, sat melancholy in the door of the loft, reminiscent of a huge fierce cocoon in the clock. As I leaned the staircase to the barracks, I rushed into the dark corner of the village. There, he rushed, surprisingly, a tearful from the roof of the bathtub.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna