— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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History of Soviet times.
At a concert, a musician played a piano.
For this, the piano had to be put on the stage. This is usually done by trucks.
Once upon a time, a famous Soviet composer came to a concert.
I don’t remember who it was: Prokofiev, Soloviev-Seda, Shostakovich, or maybe Kabalevsky.
In general, he persuaded the loaders to replace one and bring the instrument to the stage.
The carrier is well - he rested instead of work. The composer is also good - he has fulfilled his dream.
He and everyone took the piano to the stage, and then sat down and played the melody. Not a Chizik-Pyžik, but a Bach cantata.
The spectators were just in the shower: a simple loader suddenly just sat down and played!
Especially if you consider that then the invited artist came out and played this piano in times worse.
The scandal was enormous!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna