— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The psychopath. My colleague and I take a candidate exam in psychiatry. Answering on the topic "the method of polygraphy and its application", the postgraduate student explains the history of a lie detector. It tells about how in ancient India, the investigator, answering the question of the judge, beat the gong, and by the sound of the blow determined whether he said the truth; how in ancient China determined a lie by the degree of dry rice in the mouth of the suspect, etc. My colleague and I did not know this, and we spotted from the depth of her knowledge (the method with gong is almost a complete analogue of the combined motor technique of A. Luria). When asked how she knows this, the graduate student, humbly squeezed, answers that she specifically studied a lot of literature on this topic. Without a doubt, we put “excellent.” A week later, the 11-year-old son literally in the same terms tells me the same story of lying detection and says that he learned it from the "physics" series.

Conclusion: Good began to do cartoons, allow to pass the candidate in the 3rd year of graduate studies.)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna