— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Dear Lady Anna.

...I changed a little "the shape" of your photo.

With the help of Photoshop, I combined two of your photos and added my own. But considering different perspectives, you will immediately pay attention to the different slopes of houses and so on. I did not correct it, knowing that you have a master’s hand.

Please make the following changes.
1, take the car to the left, the yellow bus and wire to the sky.
Add clouds and winter color.
Add the roof to the red school on the right.
4, leave the green tree, which can be seen from the yard of the house 174. There is snow everywhere and it seems winter.
5, put the date April 18, 2016 This is my dad’s birthday.

If you are not bothered and you are working with sketches, then send me or my mom, before the final option.

Thank you very much and free creativity!

With respect, Julia

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna