— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This is:
Nilo: So where did they get the word "procrastination"? Previously it was "trip". And now the same philons call themselves procrastinators, and look at you, like a diagnosis, and they don’t laugh at the diagnosis.

Because procrastination is not laziness. And you like words do not cover up, and you will still show your level, unless you first ask and then speak. Google to help.

Here is a quote from the same wiki at least, which Google releases in the top five:

Procrastination differs from laziness in that in the case of laziness the subject does not want to do anything and does not worry about it, and in the state of procrastination he realizes the importance and urgency of the work, but does not do it, possibly finding some self-justification. From rest, procrastination is distinguished by the fact that during rest, a person replenishes energy reserves, and during procrastination - loses.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna