— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Once in a small sub-Moscow town, they stood with a comrade near his priora, waiting for a girlfriend. Suddenly, another priora is parked right in a metre from us. There was a place around the dungeon. From there, they start wildly “bulling bases”. A guy comes out in an incredibly stylish black sports suit, with fashionable white strips. He smokes and looks at us regularly. I thought maybe he was waiting for someone too. Then he opened the door, apparently because through the window we could not fully admire its powerful sound. Then he drove. He looked at us full of self-satisfaction, sat in the car and left. Then we thought that maybe he was calling us into a competition in decibels to decide who was the dominant primordial male in this court. But apparently he won, and all the corresponding females now...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna